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RANGECONVERTER Pokermaster Ante Complete Solution Pack For Cheap


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Poker Solutions Cheap! RANGECONVERTER Pokermaster Ante Complete Solution Pack For Cheap

Opening RFI/3bet/4bet and defence ranges, multiway and headsup. Three blind structure 10/20/40 with 10 ante from each player. All 8 players active!

Sizings solved for
8max 10/20/40(10a) 2000 stack - 3.5x open, 3x 3bet IP+ callers, 4x 3bet OOP+callers, IP 4bet All in, OOP 4Bet All in. SB, BB Limp allowed. Blinds Pot sized open.

8max 10/20/40(10a) 4000 stack - 3.5x open, 3.5x 3bet IP+ callers, 4.5x 3bet oop+callers, IP 4bet 2.3x, OOP 4Bet 2.75x. SB, BB Limp allowed. Blinds Pot sized open.

8max 10/20/40(10a) 8000 stack - 3.5x open, 3.5x 3bet IP+ callers, 4.5x 3bet OOP+callers, IP 4bet 2.3x, OOP 4Bet 2.75x. IP 5bet 2.1x & All in, OOP 5bet 2.1x & All in. SB, BB Limp allowed. Blinds Pot sized open.

Solver Configuration Details
P/L/L Abstraction, 50 Buckets all streets.

Format Information
RangeConverter Online Viewer, containing both Range and Strategy views - instant solutions from your web browser.

№ 5591719, Размещено 3 апреля
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