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фермент против токсинов

Тип объявления: Товары


Anti-toxin enzyme

Brief introduction
FACZYME-AT is an enzyme that bring feed enzyme into a new stage, it is one of the ideal solution to solve the mycrotoxin trouble in animal feed. It is an effective method can 100% replace all kind of mycrotoxin binders, meanwhile eliminate the negative effect caused by binders. By years R&D effort, finely animal care has increased the fermentation activity and controlled the product cost at a reasonable level, achieving better result at a even lower cost compared to binders.

FACZYME-ATF (Mix with feed) FACZYME-ATW (Mix with water)
Appearance: White to yellowish powder.
Working temperature: 25-120degree
Working PH range: 2.5-9.5
Package: 25kg /bag or drum
Shelf life: 12 month
Storage: In cool and dry place
Appearance: White to yellowish powder.
Working temperature: 30-70degree
Working PH range: 3.0-6.0
Package: 5kg/ bag
Shelf life: 12 month
Storage: In cool and dry place

Main components
FACZYME-ATF (Mix with feed) FACZYME-ATW (Mix with water)
Anti-mycrotoxin enzyme
Anti-toxin enzyme, Glucose-oxidase, Bacillus, Lactic, carrier

Characteristics and Main function
- FACZYME-ATF is fermented by new strain got from hot spring has unique protein 3D structure can 100% remained after over 110 degree pelleting temperature.
-Degrade main mycrotoxin in animal feed by enzymolysis.
-Preventing and treating diseases caused by feed mycrotoxin.
-Release hematosepsis and organ failure, boost the effect of medicine, can reduce the total amount of medicine and shorten the treatment period.
-Inhibit growth of mycrotoxin.
-Increase feed intake and decrease death rate.
-Increase FCR, improve fur glossiness.
-Do not bind any kind of nutrition, protect liver and kidney.
Dosage rate
FACZYME-ATF (Mix with feed)
100g per ton of feed.
FACZYME-ATW (Mix with water)
200g per ton of water for daily prevention.
400g per ton of water for disease treatment assistance .
FACZYME-ATF Pelleting Temperature test
Ring die outlet temperature(℃) Enzyme activity of powder feed(U/g) Enzyme activity in granular feed(U/g) Retention rate(%)
FACZYME-ATF 85 10.17 10.09 99.21
FACZYME-ATF 95 10.09 10.1 100.10
FACZYME-ATF 115 10.30 10.22 99.22

FACZYME-ATF oven temperature test (foil wrapped heat for 5 min)
Oven temperature(℃) Initial enzyme activity (U/g) Enzyme activity after heating(U/g) Retention rate(%)
FACZYME-ATF 85 1012 1021 100.89
FACZYME-ATF 95 985 980 99.49
FACZYME-ATF 120 1037 1019 98.26
Effect in artificial simulated gastric juice (test method please consult FAC technical staff)
Use Voitoxin standard sample.
Voitoxin remained (mg/kg) Degrade %
Group 1 add other brand mycrotoxin eliminator 0.34 30.89
Group 2 add FACZYME-ATF 0.192 60.98
Standard Voitoxin 0.492

№ 4049756, Размещено 20 января
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